Ned Markey
Dr. Ned Markey Pediatric Dentist, Wausau, Wisconsin Member for 11 years “My favorite part of membership of the organization is the people I have met and relationships that I have formed.”
Dr. Bob Prough
Retired: General Dentist, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Texas Member for 27 years “My most memorable experience with the FDA is my first flight to the Caribbean Islands. Going with a group out of the country, over sooo… much water to [...]
Dr. Anthony Savage
Orthodontic Specialist, Virginia Beach and Eastern Shore Member for 10 years “One memory that stands out during my membership is my entire family holding rays in a shallow bay in the Cayman Islands.”
Dr. Ernest Meshack-Hart
Dental Director, General Dentistry, SW Idaho Member for 5 years “My favorite part of membership with FDA is the really cool people. I learn a lot of good things about Aviation, Dentistry, and Life. It’s like the big friendly family [...]
Summer Denise
How long have you all been a member of Flying Dentist’s Association? Hard question but I guess the answer is 2 years my husband and I have been actual members. What is your favorite part of membership with FDA? I [...]