Flying Dentists National Meeting Reno NV June 26-July 1

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Our National Meeting will be held in Reno, NV this coming summer.  The Western District will be hosting this years meeting.  Bill & Claire Holmes have stepped up to plan this meeting.  We will have more information in up coming Newsletters.  So for now mark yourself out of the office Starting Thursday June 26th for early arrival into Reno and plan on staying until Tuesday July 1st.

We will be staying at the lovely Peppermill Resort & Casino in downtown Reno.  We have arranged some great room rates starting at $120.00 a night for Thursday, Sunday and Monday stays and $220.00 for Friday and Saturday stays.  We will have our Welcome reception on Friday night with some Awesome CE on Saturday morning.  I heard that the kiddo’s will have a full day at a local water park.  There will be an optional ladies lunch and more fun throughout the weekend.  So plan now to attend.  Stacy will have the hotel booking information out in the February Newsletter, and then in March we should have the registration fee all set to publish.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Reno June 25!!

If you have any questions you can call Stacy or Bill Holmes at 775-742-0442

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